Both Literary and Eye Witnesses
Believe it or not this list is quite extensive but far from complete. We will be highlighting just some of the proposed ark locations as well as ark sightings. For thorough information pertaining to each story, you might want to inquire into the books or articles mentioned in the resources link above.
The Bible in all Forms
Tanakh - Dead Sea Scrolls - Greek Septuagint - Samarian Pentateuch - Pseudepigrapha - Apocrypha - New Testament - Masoretic Text
According to the Torah book of Genesis at Gen 8:4 "In the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark rested upon the mountains of Ararat" (NSAB) ( ARARAT in Hebrew אֲרָרָֽט = RRT = In Turkish Ağrı Dağı ). The (CEV) put it this way "the boat came to rest somewhere in the Ararat mountains".
The Leningrad Codex is the oldest complete edition of the Hebrew Bible ( Tanakh ). It dates to around 1008-1010 A.D. This is what is used for 90 percent of the Hebrew scriptures ( old testament ) in todays bible.
The Dead Sea Scroll (DSS) (1QapGen ) Found in cave one in Qumran known as "The Genesis Apocryphon". Composed in Aramaic states the following: … " in the mountains of Ararat (HWRRT). And afterwards I descended … I and my sons and the sons [of my sons] … for the destruction was great on the earth … after the Flood " .
Range of compositional dates for the work have been suggested from the 3rd century BCE to 1st century CE
According to the Greek Septuagint LXX book of Genesis at Gen 8:4:
and on the seventeenth day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat.
Καὶ ἐκάθισεν ἡ κιβωτὸς ἐν μηνὶ τῷ ἑβδόμῳ, ἑβδόμῃ καὶ εἰκάδι τοῦ μηνὸς, ἐπὶ τὰ ὄρη τὰ Ἀραράτ.
According to tradition, Ptolemy II Philadelphus (the Greek Pharaoh of Egypt) sent seventy-two Jewish translators—six from each of the Twelve Tribes of Israel—from Jerusalem to Alexandria to translate the Tanakh from Biblical Hebrew into Koine Greek, for inclusion in his library. This narrative is found in the pseudepigraphic Letter of Aristeas to his brother Philocrates, and is repeated by Philo of Alexandria, and Josephus (in Antiquities of the Jews).
Few people could speak and even fewer could read in the Hebrew language during the Second Temple period; Koine Greek and Aramaic were the most widely spoken languages at that time among the Jewish community. The Septuagint therefore satisfied a need in the Jewish community.
According to the Samaritan Pentateuch book of Genesis at Gen 8:4:
And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Hararat.
This copy of the Samaritan Pentateuch is the oldest know copy. Written 1100 CE - 1149 CE
The Samaritan Pentateuch contains the text of the Torah, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, written in the consonantal Samaritan script, a development from the Paleo-Hebrew script.
The Pseudepigrapha Book of Jubilees a second century BC retelling of Genesis and the first part of Exodus. Originally written in Hebrew, specifies at Chapter 7:1 " And in the seventh week in the first year [1317 A.M.] thereof, in this jubilee, Noah planted vines on the mountain on which the ark had rested, named Lubar , one of the Ararat Mountains. "
Dead Sea Fragment of the book of Jubilees
The History of Ararat / Urartu
The term, of Assyrian origin, seems to be geographically descriptive (“mountainous country”?) rather than ethnic, and first occurs in the records of King Shalmaneser I (early 13th century, B.C.E.). He used it to refer to a collection of eight political entities situated southeast of Lake Van, against whom he mounted a successful military campaign. His son (Tukulti-Ninurta) refers to the same area as “the lands of Nairi” and mentions forty-three local rulers whom he defeated there. For a while, the terms “Urartu” and “Nairi” are used concurrently, but finally the more comprehensive geographical term (Urartu) predominates. Natives of the area, however, prefer the designation “the land of Biainili,” and only one known inscription refers to it as “Urartu.”
Lloyd R. Bailey, “Ararat (Place),” ed. David Noel Freedman, The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary (New York: Doubleday, 1992), 351.
It is important to mention here that older bibles use Armenia ( ex. John Wycliffe ) in place of of the word Ararat. It is also note worthy that one understands that the Ararat region is synonymous with the Armenian word Urartu know as the Kingdom of Urartu. This country of Urartu located in eastern Asia Minor flourished from the 9th to the 6th centuries BCE. Its center was near Lake Van .
These maps below show the Armenian Highlands and the location of the Mountains of Ararat region ( aka Urartu in antiquity )
The reason why the volcanic mountain today called Mount Ararat (elev. 16,854 ft.) has so many people thinking that this is the mountain that the Ark of Noah came to rest on, is based on all the eyewitness testimonies you will find below. But without actual hard evidence, the mountain remains in question.

The mountains of Urartu Region in antiquity spanned area of 82,000 to 200,000 sq. mi. extending into modern Iran, Iraq, Russia, and Turkey.
6th Century BCE Babylonian Map Tablet

The oldest known map of the ancient world
This ancient map depicts the known world as imagined by the Babylonians of the 6th century BCE. Like many ancient maps, this cuneiform tablet is concerned less with mathematically plotting space and direction than with simply capturing the various places and peoples in the world around Babylon. Here, Babylon represents the very center of the map and thus the world, situated along the banks of the Euphrates river. Encircling the flat, Babylonian world is a great ocean that marks the border between Mesopotamia and the mysterious lands beyond, represented here by six triangles.
The Babylonian map of the world is the oldest map of the world, in the world. Written and inscribed on clay in Mesopotamia around 2,900-years-ago, it is, like so many cuneiform tablets, incomplete. However, Dr. Irving Finkel
( Curator in The British Museum ) and a particularly gifted student of his - Edith Horsley - managed to locate a missing piece of the map, slot it back into the cuneiform tablet, and from there set us all on journey through the somewhat mythical landscape of Mesopotamia to find the final resting place of the ark as in Noah's ark. Although in the earlier Mesopotamian version of the flood story, the ark is built by Ziusudra.
One key link between the tablet and the legend of the Noah’s Ark was the inclusion of the word “parsiktu.” The term is known to feature on only one other surviving Babylonian tablet, a tablet describing the boat which survived the Great Flood.
So were is the final resting place of Noah's ark according to this Map? A mountain in Urartu!
Listen below.
2100 BCE - Epic of Gilgamesh
The Epic of Gilgamesh is an epic poem from ancient Mesopotamia, regarded as the earliest surviving notable literature and the second oldest religious text, after the Pyramid Texts. Its flood story is contained on the 11th cuneiform tablet in a series relating to the Gilgamesh epic. The flood tablet as it is sometimes called, related a story of a great flood that destroyed most of mankind. According to the tablet the boat came to rest on the top of Mount Nisir. This mountain is supposedly the mountain known today as Pir Omar Gudrun, near the city Sulaymaniyah in Iraqi Kurdistan. The name may mean "Mount of Salvation".
Some argue that the bible borrowed this story to make the Noah story. One must only read it to see the many difference in the account to ascertain that the two stories and far from similar. Within the Sumerian tablets you will find not one version but two of the flood story, both with different accounts. In one account the Ark is round and in another it is a square. Yet in the bible account its a rectangle. Please note that in history just because a story is written down later than another, it will not make the latter any less authentic or untrue. Particularly when the narratives are so different!

The Sumerian Deluge Tablet Written 1800 BCE
MT Nisir possible location
275 BCE - Berossus - A Chaldean Priest
Berossus writings were published about 275 B.C. in Greek but his works survived only as far as it was quoted by others, notably, Alexander Polyhistor (1st Century B.C.), and by Josephus (1st Century A.D.). A few others also quote him as late as the 5th Century A.D. Berossus' account is basically a version of the Babylonian Flood account. He notes that the Ark "...grounded in Armenia some part still remains in the mountains of the Gordyaeans in Armenia, and some get pitch from the ship by scraping off, and use it for amulets."
These map of Asia Minor illustrates the location of the Gordyaean Mountains ( aka Corduene Mountains )

According to the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica, Gordyene is the ancient name of the region of Bohtan (now Şırnak Province). It is mentioned as Beth Qardu in Syriac sources and is described as a small vassal state between Armenia and Persia in the mountainous area south of Lake Van in modern Turkey.
610 - 632 CE - Quran
According to the Quran the Ark came to rest on the mountain called Mount Judi. It is situated in south-east Turkey, close to the Syrian and Iraqi borders.

Surah 11. Hud 44:
Then the word went forth: "O earth! swallow up thy water, and O sky! Withhold (thy rain)!" and the water abated, and the matter was ended. The Ark rested on Mount Judi, and the word went forth: "Away with those who do wrong!"
1908 ? CE - George Hagopian
"He was eight years old, Hagopian said, and it was in the year 1908 [note: another account says the year was 1905 and Hagopian was 10 years old] when his uncle took him up Ararat, past Ahora Gorge, passing the grave of St. Jacob on the way. As the mountain grew more precipitous his uncle carried him on his shoulders until they came to something that looked like a great ship located on a rock ledge over a cliff and partially covered by snow. It had flat openings like windows along the top and a hole in the roof. Hagopian had first thought it was a house made of stone but when his uncle showed him the outline of planks and told him it was made of wood he realized it was the Ark, just like the other people had described it to him. His uncle boosted him up from a rock pile to reach the Ark roof telling him not to be afraid, "because it is a holy ship ..." (and) "the animals and people are not here now. They have all gone away." Hagopian climbed on the roof and knelt down and kissed the surface of the roof which was flat and easy to stand on.

Noah's Ark images drawn by Artist Elfred Lee as told to him by eyewitness George Hagopian.
abt 1916 - Czar Nicholas II
Czar Nicholas II sends an expedition of 150 men to map Mount Ararat and document a sighting of Noah's Ark

Noah's Ark images drawn by Artist Elfred Lee as told to him by eyewitness Ray Lubeck.
1943 CE - American Soldier - Ed Davis
Ed Davis's "Ararat adventure and Ark sighting" as told to Ark Researcher Robin Simmons:
(Begin Davis statement)
"Something happened to me in '43 that's haunted me all my life...
I'm in the 363rd Army Corps of Engineers working out of a base in Hamadan (ancient Ekbatan or Ecbatane), Iran. We're building a Way Station into Russia from Turkey. A supply route. My driver's a young man named Badi Abas. One day while we're at a quarry site loading rock, he points to a distant peak and says, 'Agri Dagh, my home.' We can see it clearly on the horizon with its year-round snow cap. 'Mt. Ararat, that's where the Ark landed? I say. He nods. 'My grandfather knows where it is and has gone up there,' he says matter-of-factly. I thought, Boy, would I like to see that...
One day in July, his grandfather, Abas-Abas, visits our base and tells Badi the ice on Ararat is melting to where you can see part of the Ark. Badi tells me if I want to see it they will take me there. I had done a favor for their village that put me in good stead with the Abas family. In fact, they now have water, where before they had to walk two miles to get it.
So, I go to my commanding officer and ask for leave. He says, 'It's dangerous, you'll get killed.' I tell him how much I want to go. He says, 'I can give you R&R in Teheran and you could take the long way. I stock up on extra gasoline, oil and tires.
A few days later, we got up early and Badi Abas and I drive down along the border as far as Casbeen until we get to his little village (this was the settlement I had helped get water). We spend the night there.
At dawn the next day, we reach the foothills of Ararat and arrive at another primitive village. Abas tells me the name of the village means "Where Noah Planted the Vine." I see grape vines so big at their trunk you can't reach around them. Very, very old.
Abas says they have a cave filled with artifacts that came from the ark. They find them strewn in a canyon below the ark, collecting them to keep from outsiders who they think, would profane them. It's all sacred to them. That night, they showed me the artifacts. Oil lamps, clay vats, old style tools, things like that. I see a cage-like door, maybe thirty by forty inches, made of woven branches. It's hard as stone, looks petrified. It has a hand-carved lock or latch on it. I could even see the wood grain.
We sleep. At first light, we put on mountain clothes, and they bring up a string of horses. I leave with seven male members of the Abas family, and we ride -- seems like an awful long time. Finally, we come to a hidden cave deep in the foothills of Greater Ararat. They say it's where T. E. Lawrence (of Arabia) hid when he was doing reconnaissance. There's a huge pot of hot food waiting for us. We eat and then climb back on our horses and continue riding higher on the narrow trail. They tell me we're going through the 'Back Door.' It's a secret route used by smugglers or bandits.
Along the way, they point out a pair of human legs sticking out of the ice and tell me he shouldn't have been up there. I believe them. I don't know how the horses are able to follow the route. In some places you can tell we were riding along a high cliff but most of the time it's hard to see because of the rain and fog. A freezing wind is blowing, and it feels like it's going right through me. Soon, Abas tells me to be quiet because we're at a place where Russian sentries, stationed below, might hear us.
We rode in silence for the rest of the day. Sometimes they'd communicate in their own private code by short whistles. Eventually we ran out of trail. Someone from the Abas family is waiting for us, taking our horses and we are roped together and climb on foot much higher to another cave. I can't tell where we are. The rain never lets up...
After three days of climbing, we came to the last cave. Inside, there's strange writing, it looked beautiful and old, on the rock walls and a kind of natural rock bed or outcropping near the back of the cavern. Another pot of food is waiting for us. Everything's prepared for my visit by the Abas family. It rains hard all night.
The next morning, we got up and waited. The rain lets up and we walk along a narrow trail behind a dangerous outcropping called 'Doomsday Rock'. I guess it's called that because it's a place where you could easily die, and many have. Some are not of their own doing. We doubled back around behind the imposing rock formation and came to a ledge. We are enveloped by fog.
Suddenly the fog lifts and the sun breaks through a hole in the clouds. It's a very mystical sight as the light shimmers on the wet canyon. My Muslim friends pray to Allah. They speak quietly and are very subdued...
After they finish praying, Badi Abas points down into a kind of horseshoe crevasse and says, 'That's Noah's Ark.' But I can't see anything. Everything's the same color and texture. Then I see it -- a huge, rectangular, man-made structure partly covered by ice and rock, lying on its side. At least a hundred feet are clearly visible. I can even see inside it, into the end where it's been broken off, timbers are sticking out, kind of twisted and gnarled, water's cascading out from under it.
Abas points down the canyon and I can make out another portion of it. I can see how the two pieces were once joined -- the torn timbers kind of match. They told me the Ark is broken into three of four big pieces. Inside the broken end of the biggest piece, I can see at least three floors and Abas says there's a living space near the top with forty-eight rooms. He says there are cages inside as small as my hand, others big enough to hold a family of elephants.
I can see what looks like remains of partitions and walkways inside the bigger piece. I really want to touch it -- it's hard to explain the feeling. Abas says we can go down on ropes in the morning. It begins to rain, and we go back to the cave...
Next morning when we get up, it's snowing. It had snowed all night and its at least belt deep on me. I can't see anything down in the canyon. The Ark is no longer visible. Abas says, 'We have to leave, it's too dangerous.'
It takes five days to get off the mountain and back to my base. I smell so bad when I get back, they burn my clothes. And no one seemed interested in what I saw, so I quit talking about it. But I dream about it every night for twenty years.
There's something up there..."
(End Davis statement)
Note: People were questioning Mr. Davis’s story, and he was asked to take a lie detector test. This test was administered P.G.P. Polygraph of Albuquerque, NM. It was determined that Mr. Davis was being truthful that he was shown Noah’s Ark!

Noah's Ark images drawn by Artist Elfred Lee as told to him by eyewitness Ed Davis.